Julian J. Schrader


Julian J. Schrader

Als Digital Native, Unternehmer und Wirtschaftsinformatiker (M. Sc.) transformiere ich Unternehmen in Digitalunternehmen: Ich liebe es, durch den richtigen Einsatz der richtigen digitalen Werkzeuge Prozesse zu automatisieren.

Dadurch entstehen freie Ressourcen im Unternehmen – z. B. mehr Zeit für die wichtigsten Dinge. Zuverlässige Qualität. Und mehr Gewinn.


Sell your great idea!

Many (would-be) entrepreneurs approach me to ask for help implementing their idea. They already went too far. “What do you think people would be willing to pay for this? I think I should charge 100€ per month.” – and, without skipping a beat, they add “So as soon as I sold 40 subscriptions, I can quit my day job and work on it [...]


Treat your head right.

The new year has begun, and whether or not you set new year’s resolutions or are continuously improving your plans, one thing is for sure: A calm mind thinketh better! Something that helps me a lot to stay calm and keep focused is meditation. After trying different techniques on and off for years, I settled into using an app called [...]


Book Review: Emergency by Neil Strauss

I have read three quarters of Neil Strauss’s latest book on a flight recently, and promptly swallowed the rest shortly afterwards.   I liked it a lot, because it appeals to different personas inside of myself, the reader: First of all, reading a book called “Emergency”, of course there’s the survivalist: Amongst other things, Neil [...]


Morning Routine? Yes, and relax.

I like to get up early and follow a pretty strict morning routine. I prefer autopilot over making a ton of little decisions in the morning. When I settled in to a specific routine and began to change it less and less, I started skipping over the latest MyMorningRoutine.com interviews in my inbox, and finally unsubscribed. I felt like I [...]


Book Giveaway: The Magic of Thinking Big

Though it had been recommended to me many times throughout the years, a book with a woo-woo title and even “Magic” in it, did not sound like the book I wanted to trust. I finally caved in, and read “The Magic of Thinking Big”. And boy was it worth it! If you’re like me, you’re thinking “yeah right, everybody knows you need to think big” [...]



A primer on how to act on priority. There aren’t many different priorities, since priority is binary. Something either is (high) priority or not a priority. As soon as that’s understood, acting on prioritized tasks becomes easy: HIGH → Let’s do it. ASAP. Medium → Next time. If there’s time. Low → 🗑 And as hard as it feels, take those low [...]


Recognize and Prevent Failures by Design

A notification pops up, I tap “complete”, set out to do it after the current task is done, and forget about it. Sounds familiar? If I’m lucky, I remember to do my task later. But usually by then it’s too late. I didn’t put the task on my todo-list and set up the reminder instead, because it was time-sensitive. This is a failure by [...]


Eggs in a Mug

I’ve always been a fan of having bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, but found the preparation involved quite tedious and time-consuming. In early April I came across a recipethat got me curious. After some experiments regarding ingredients and cooking technique, this is what I’ve had for breakfast most days in the last six weeks: [...]


GründerTalk: Wahnsinniger Fokus! [DE]

Note: Attorney at Law Carsten Lexa, LL.M. interviewed me on GründerTalk, a startup and founders show in German language. Therefore this post is in German as well, sorry! Rechtsanwalt Carsten Lexa, LL.M. hat mich für die Show GründerTalk der Initiative Gründen@Würzburg vor die Kamera gebeten, um von meinen Erfahrungen aus den ersten vier [...]