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Book Review: Emergency by Neil Strauss

I have read three quarters of Neil Strauss’s latest book on a flight recently, and promptly swallowed the rest shortly afterwards.   I liked it a lot, because it appeals to different personas inside of myself, the reader: First of all, reading a book called “Emergency”, of course there’s the survivalist: Amongst other things, Neil explains how to survive cold, find and identify edible plants or how to build shelter in the woods. Secondly, there’s the businessman: Especially in a couple of conversations with a guy called Spencer, valuable business lessons emerge, such as “no intelligent person spends his own

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Book Giveaway: The Magic of Thinking Big

Though it had been recommended to me many times throughout the years, a book with a woo-woo title and even “Magic” in it, did not sound like the book I wanted to trust. I finally caved in, and read “The Magic of Thinking Big”. And boy was it worth it! If you’re like me, you’re thinking “yeah right, everybody knows you need to think big” – and dismiss the book. But if this recommendation comes at the right time or you even get the copy I’m giving away (sign up below!), you’re going to discover strategies and tactics on how

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