Julian J. Schrader


Challenge Your Assumptions!


The other day I took my bike in to get a flat tire fixed. The air would always stay in there at 5.5bar for my usual 30 minutes ride, but after letting the bike sit in the garage over night, the pressure would be gone.

I assumed the valve was broken, and I told the repair guy when I handed over the bike. He changed the tire, I paid for the new one, and left.

The next day, I’m on a ride with my brother Nikolas. We’re on our way at speeds between 25–35 kilometers per hour—he’s riding a race bike, mine is an almost equally equipped cross bike.

40 minutes in, turning around a corner suddenly felt weird. My front tire felt wobbly, and obviously didn’t hold the pressure—the one that had just been changed the day before!

I slowed down, but two minutes later it was all gone. Back to the repair guy!

Turns out, a thorn was the true cause of my tire losing pressure. It wasn’t a faulty valve!

Only after renewing the tire didn’t help with my problem did I question, whether my assumption about the problem was even correct.

Lesson learned—the hard way:

Don’t come up with a solution if you didn’t confirm whether you’re working on the right problem.

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