Julian J. Schrader


Install Custom Fonts on iPad and iPhone


I recently tried to open a new sales presentation I was working on for SOPHISTICATES in Keynote on my iPad Pro. Just like I remembered it from an eternity ago, it told me that it had to replace our corporate font (The Sans) with a more generic font.

Yes, we’re actually using a font that’s not readily available. But I couldn’t imagine that it still wasn’t possible to install fonts on an iPad Pro—a device capable of replacing many people’s laptops. So I googled and actually came across a couple solutions.

iOS Apps Pages, Fontcase, and Keynote on my iPad’s home screen.

The open source application Fontcase wins. It opens your custom fonts on any iPad or iPhone running at least iOS 13 and creates a profile containing them to install the typefaces you need in your system’s settings.

Voilá, thanks to Fontcase I can now use my iPad or even my iPhone for that quick change to the sales presentation, without it destroying our nice design!

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